About Bita Quantum AI

Welcome to Bita Quantum AI, where we are pioneering the future of quantum technologies with innovation, expertise, and a commitment to excellence. Our journey is marked by significant milestones that showcase our dedication to advancing the field of quantum computing.

1. Recipient of the IBM Quantum Prize

We take immense pride in being awarded the prestigious IBM Quantum Prize for the best quantum technology during the Demo Day of the Quantum Bootcamp by Québec Quantique. Our groundbreaking work on the plasmonic quantum computer platform has garnered recognition for its ingenuity and potential to reshape the landscape of quantum computing.

2. Selected for VivaShow Tech in Paris

Bita Quantum AI has been chosen as one of the five Canadian startups to showcase our quantum innovations at VivaShow Tech in Paris in 2022. This opportunity not only highlights the global significance of our work but also positions us as leaders in the international quantum technology community.

3. Finalist in the $100,000 Quantum & Photonics Pitch Competition

Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of quantum technology is further underscored by being selected as a finalist to pitch at the $100,000 Quantum & Photonics Pitch Competition by Qubits Ventures. This recognition reaffirms our standing as a trailblazer in the quantum industry.

Our Vision

We envision a future where quantum technologies revolutionize computation, communication, and cybersecurity. By leveraging our expertise and the power of quantum mechanics, we aim to unlock new possibilities that will shape the way we process information and secure communication in the digital age.

Explore our platform to stay updated on the latest advancements, insights, and news in the world of quantum computing. Whether you’re a fellow researcher, industry professional, or simply curious about the quantum realm, Bita Quantum AI welcomes you to join us on this exciting journey towards a quantum-powered future.

Thank you for being part of the quantum revolution.
